
To begin with my relationships I’ll start on family. Within my family I am the middle child, that weird zone in between two brothers. I am close with both of them and with my parents and other relatives. My family is there for me and I know I can rely on them. Their influence towards me is at the way I see things. I feel the strongest ones have led to my creativity, knowledge, and kindness. These and many more have been useful to me and have made me who I am today. These values with my family make memories only more memorable and fond for us which has made me very close with them.

The next part will be with my friends and those around me. From friends and classmates around me I have been influenced by values they do everyday. I now look at things neutrally and look at both sides of a story. I also have put more emphasis into working and focusing on what is important. This includes school work, out of school work, family, and friends. These have been most helpful for me as I am grateful for all experiences I have from others. In the future too, I am wanting to learn from others in hopes of becoming a better person to help both myself and those around me. Relationships have taught me important values to work on and have shown me what’s best to enjoy them. Be it a friend or anyone else.